ISE – Information System Engineering Inc.

Right4T, an image evaluation type task execution support system
Right4U, an add-on type information utilization solution

News release

Our Business

Businesses based upon proprietary technologies

Solution Services

We provide Right4-solution services based upon R4-worktransform which is ISE’s proprietary technologies.

Information services businesses based upon R&D

We provide products which are based upon ISE’s research and development.

  • Communications methodologies based upon hands-free devices.
  • Communications designing for supporting the operating of medical devices.
  • Air leak inspection system for food bag packaging using real haptics technologies and mixed reality technologies.
  • Implementation of biosignal monitoring technologies.
  • Support for realizing remote work and contactless work.

R&D businesses based upon proprietary technologies

We are working on creating and co-creating businesses for supporting communications that deliver just the information that is needed, in the languages that are needed, when it is needed, to the people who need it.

  • Product development
  • Joint research in the life sciences* fields.
    The University of Aizu (signal processing areas)
    Graduate School, Osaka University
    Kitasato University
  • Joint research in the industrial fields.
    Keio University and Motion Lib, Inc. (robotics areas).

* Expressed based on the definition in LINK-J.
The life sciences constitute an interdisciplinary nexus linking all areas of scientific endeavor. They
encompass medicine, the natural sciences, and engineering; such new technologies as IT and AI; and
even social sciences and ethics.

Software development businesses and technical services businesses

We provide systems and digital content in order to resolve clients’ issues.

  • Technical consulting to information systems and digital contents.
  • The designing and developing of information systems, and the planning and producing of digital content.
  • Consulting which supports technical communications, health communications, risk & benefit communications.
  • Compliance supporting and investigating for overseas market products.

About Us

Message from President
Satoshi Kuroda

Person-to-person, person-to-AI, and person-to-robot.
ISE actualizes the optimizing of diverse communications via its proprietary technologies.

ISE is an engineering company that has mastered communication methodologies up to the levels whereby it provides them as professional services. And, we have piled up a track record of developing systems since the dawn of ICT. ISE possesses proprietary technologies that it has succeeded with at patent portfolio formulating and technological research. Starting from last year in the summer, ISE began integrating cutting-edge technologies such as AI and robotics with its proprietary technologies, and began providing them as ISE’s unique products and solution services.

ISE’s proprietary technologies solve issues in the onsite work in manufacturing, instrumentation, logistics, customer service, medical care, nursing care, and public health, etc. via the optimizing of communications.

ISE is mindful of providing services from the perspectives of what is optimal for our customers in contributing to society, thus from here onwards we will keep on walking with our customers, and partners.

Satoshi Kuroda
Representative Director, President
February, 2024

2023In November, became a member of Japanese Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
2023In November, became a member of Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing
2023In October, appointed as a guest research fellow of the Beijing Foreign Studies University’s The New Economy Research Center
2023In April, appointed as a Guest Associate Professor of the Management of Industry and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.
2022Became a member of The Society of Law and Management
2022In November, appointed as a guest researcher of the Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University (concurrently serving as a faculty member)
2022In June, appointed as a guest faculty member of the Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Department of Health Sciences
2021In April, appointed as a research fellow of the Beijing Foreign Studies University’s 20 Countries Group Center
2019In April, Appointed Adjunct Lecturer of the Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine Kyoto University
2019Became a member of the Japanese Association of Health Communication
2018In June, assumed the post of Auditor of the Japan Translation Federation (JTF) (Stepped down upon the completion of a 2-year term.)
2018Became a member of the Japan Association for Clinical Knowledge
2018Assumed the post of Guest Associate Professor of Center for the Study of Co* Design, Osaka University (Stepped down upon the completion on March 31, 2022).
2015Awarded an excellent foreign advisor’s certificate from the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China
2013In March, assumed the post of Representative Director, President of Electrosuisse Japan Co., Ltd. (Kobe City).
2011In May, assumed the position of the Office of Adviser to the China TC Technical Committee.
2011In March, President Kuroda of ISE and Dr. Konstantin Anagnostopoulos established ISE Europe GmbH corporation.
2011Assumed the post of Representative Director, President of Information System Engineering Inc.
2009Assumed the positions of Councilor of the Japan Technical Communication Association, and the Chairman of the Public-Interest Planning Session.
2007Received a commendation from the National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee of the People’s Republic of China
2004Assumed the post of Representative Director, Chief Operating Officer in addition to being the Chief Technical Officer of Information System Engineering Inc.
2003Assumed the post of Representative Managing Director in addition to being the Chief Technical Officer of Information System Engineering Inc.
2001Have worked on consulting for website planning, data standardization, and document preparation environments.
2000Authored 200 Cardinal Rules for Convincing Documents and Expressions. Subsequently, have been engaged as one of the planners and writers of the 200 Cardinal Rules series.
1999Formed the PDF Conference Executive Committee. Subsequently, have been involved in establishing and disseminating PDF workflows in Japan.
1992Was involved in the founding of the Japan Technical Communication Association.
1991Participated in the convening of the 3rd Technical Communication symposium. Subsequently, have been participating in the TC symposiums every year as the chairman.
1988In charge of structuring the creation of documents and digital document data standardization.
1987Entered Information System Engineering Inc.
1986Graduated from Business School of Chuo University.
Company Outline
Abbreviated company nameISE
Headquarters1F, AD Takadanobaba Building, 35-2, Takadanobaba 3-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0075
Date of establishmentOctober 1st, 1979
Capital100 million yen
Representative Director, PresidentKURODA Satoshi
Number of Employees88(As of October, 2024)
BanksMUFG Bank, Ltd. Higashi-nakano Branch
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Takadanobaba Branch
Seibu Shinkin Bank, Ltd. Higashi Nakano Branch
OfficesTokyo (Headquarters) , Osaka (branch office), Hyogo, Fukushima
CertificationsISO9001:2015 certification acquired
ISO17100:2015 certification acquired
Standardized acquisition of qualifications for all ministries and agencies (issuance number:220311000168)
General worker dispatching undertakings number 13-305702
Owned intellectual properties24 patents, and 24 trademarks in Japan
Company which is registered in the open patent information database
Including two joint patents with Keio University and Motion Lib, Inc.
Including two joint patents with The University of Aizu

Including a joint patent with Hashilus Co, Ltd.
6 patents and 6 trademarks in US
6 trademarks in Germany
7 trademarks in Switzerland
1 patent, and 11 trademarks in China
(current as of November 7, 2024)
Group CompaniesISE Europe GmbH (Switzerland)
Information System Engineering (Beijing) Inc.
Information System Engineering (Beijing) Inc. Shanghai Branch
Information System Engineering (Beijing) Inc. Qingdao Branch
Member organizationsThe Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (SCCIJ)
Fukuoka Bio Community
Kyo-Med (cross-industry collaboration team for medical and nursing care)
Japan Technical Communicators Association (JTCA)
Gesellschaft Für Technische Kommunikation e.V (tekom)
The International Standard for Intelligent Information Request and Delivery (iiRDS, Europe)
Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J)
No Lifting Association
ifLink Open Community
Sensor Networks Research Society
Association of System Documentation Quality (ASDoQ)
Research Group of Japanese Language Education for Health Care Givers
Real-Haptics Technology Council
Touch to Heart consortium
ISE Management System
ISE management systems configuration diagram

Corporate Governance Systems (CGS)

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Policies

We formulate business continuity plans in the event that disasters or infectious diseases, etc. occur.
We are carrying on ISE’s businesses while striving to secure the lives of our employees, prevent the spread of damages, and prevent secondary damages from occurring.

Business Management Systems (BMS)

Quality Policies

We are pursuing the improving of useful technical skills and responsiveness that can respond to our stakeholders’ requirements, and the fostering of human resources who can contribute to society.

Quality Management Policy (QMS)

Basic Policy

ISE is always pursing the technology and quality that can address the needs of clients, and we unerringly provide this.

ISO9001:2015 certification acquired

Target standards:ISO9001:2015
Accreditation organization:UKAS
Period of validity:From October 22, 2022 until October 22, 2025
Initial registration date:October 22, 2001
Registration number:JP16/062835
Target ranges:The designing and producing of digital contents based upon the requests of clients
The designing and developing of information systems based upon the requests of clients

ISO 17100:2015 certification acquired

Target standards:JIS Y 17100:2021 (ISO 17100:2015, Amd. 1 2017)
Accreditation organization:JSA Solutions Co., Ltd.
Initial registration date:December 7, 2021
Registration number:JSAT058
Target ranges:Translation services in the following fields (Japanese to English)
1. Medical and pharmaceutical fields [JSA translation field classification: B]
2. Industrial, and Scientific and Technological fields [JSA translation field classification: C]
If services are desired whereby ISO 17100 certification is
applied, then please inform us accordingly.

Site Business Management Systems (SMS)

Quality Policies

We are constantly pursuing technologies and quality via the right human resources in the places where our clients are requesting them, and we are precisely providing them.

Information Security Management System (ISMS)

Basic Policy

We are formulating, and observing the information security policies that can respond to societal changes, and are appropriately using, and reliably safeguarding our clients’ and ISE’s information assets.

They stipulate the creating and revising of rules, the observing of laws and regulations, and rules, the implementing of ongoing education and training, and preventive measures, and occurrence responses for accidents, etc.

Information Security Course of Action

  • We are intending to improve the importance and cognizance of information security in relation to our employees and business partners.
  • We are intending to set the ISMS objectives, and definitely actualize them.
  • We shall observe the management objectives and management measures which are selected in the “ISMS Application Declaration”.
  • We shall regularly check the implementation status via internal audits.

Environmental Management System


ISE has formulated environmental management systems which place emphasis on positive environmental aspects, and we continually improve them.

Environmental Activities Philosophy

Environmental protection activities
ISE observes environmental-related laws and the requirements upon which we have reached a consensus. We promote energy conservation, sorting of waste, and recycling.

Activities which place emphasis on positive environmental aspects
ISE intends to provide products and services that take the environment into consideration. We proactively work on green purchasing. We conduct educational activities in regards to the environment for our employees and the persons who are involved with ISE.

September, 2024Started buisiness related to healthcare-IT and wellness
June, 2024Became a member of Fukuoka Bio Community
May, 2024Mr. Yamauchi from ISE has appointed as a secretary of IEEE Professional Communication Society, Japan Chapter for the fiscal year 2024.
February, 2024Opened worktransform center as a base for promoting medical IT services and AI services in LINK-J Lifescience HUB West building
January, 2024Became a special member as Healthcare IT and Services of the Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J)
August, 2023Became a member of the No Lifting Association
July, 2023Issued the sixth series of unsecured corporate bonds (professional private placement bonds fully underwritten by Mizuho Bank). The total amount of the corporate bonds is 80 million yen, and the redemption period is 5 years.
June, 2023Joined IEEE Professional Communication Society, Japan Chapter
May, 2023Became a member of the Sensor Networks Research Society
December, 2022Became a supporter of the Kyo-Med (cross-industry collaboration team for medical and nursing care)
August, 2022ISE’s proprietary technologies are registered as basic patents in the United States (application date: July 22, 2019)
August, 2022Issued the fifth series of unsecured corporate bonds (professional private placement bonds fully underwritten by Mizuho Bank). The total amount of the corporate bonds is 80 million yen, and the redemption period is 5 years.
April, 2022ISE’s proprietary technologies are registered as basic patents in China (application date: July 22, 2019)
December, 2021Acquired ISO 17100 (registration number: JSAT058)
June, 2021Commenced operations of the Research and Development Design Space
June, 2021Started publicity of ISE’s proprietary technology worktransform®
May, 2021Issued the fourth series of unsecured corporate bonds (professional private placement bonds fully underwritten by Mizuho Bank). The total amount of the corporate bonds is 50 million yen, and the redemption period is 5 years.
November, 2020Issued the third series of unsecured corporate bonds (professional private placement bonds fully underwritten by Mizuho Bank). The total amount of the corporate bonds is 50 million yen, and the redemption period is 5 years.
March, 2020Issued the second series of unsecured corporate bonds (professional private placement bonds fully underwritten by Mizuho Bank). The total amount of the corporate bonds is 100 million yen, and the redemption period is 5 years.
February, 2020Formulated a business continuity plan (BCP)
July, 2019ISE’s proprietary technologies are registered as basic patents in Japan (application date: July 31, 2018)
August 2018Became a member of the Real-Haptics Technology Council
July, 2018Became a member of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
June, 2018Became a member of the Study Group for Japanese Language Education for Nursing and Nursing Care
April, 2018Formed a business alliance with the Foundation for Kobe International Medical Alliance (note: alliance expanded in 2020)
January, 2018Became a member of the iiRDS(Intelligent Information Request and Delivery Standard)
December, 2017Issued the first series of unsecured corporate bonds (professional private placement bonds fully underwritten by Mizuho Bank). The total amount of the corporate bonds is 150 million yen, and the redemption period is 5 years.
May, 2017Became a member of the Association of System Documentation Quality
October, 2014License for General Worker Dispatching Undertakings acquired(number:13-305702)
March, 2013Made business alliance with Electrosuisse Japan Co., Ltd. (Kobe City).
December, 2012Became a member of the DITA Consortium Japan.
August, 2012Certified as an Oracle Gold Level Partner (note: expired in 2020)
February, 2012Information System Engineering (Beijing), Inc. Qingdao Branch was founded.
March, 2011Operations and production systems were expanded to and commenced at the ISE Osaka site.
March, 2011Formed a business alliance with tcworld GmbH in Germany
March, 2011Made business alliance with ISE Europe GmbH.
May, 2010Became a member of tekom(Gesellschaft für Technische Kommunikation e.V.: Germany TC Committee).
September, 2005Information System Engineering (Beijing), Inc. Shanghai Branch was founded.
December, 2004Satoshi Kuroda appointed Representative Director.
October, 2003Information System Engineering (Beijing), Inc. was founded.
October, 2003Established an information security management system (ISMS).
February, 2003Established an environmental management system (EMS).
October, 2001Received ISO9001 certification.
August, 2001Established a quality management system (QMS).
January, 2001Relocated the headquarters to its current location.
January, 1992Became a member of the Technical Communicators Association (Japan Technical Communicators Association).
September, 1991Increased capital to 100 million yen.
April, 1989Increased capital to 50 million yen.
Commercialization of technical communication
October, 1986Notification of Specified Worker Dispatching Undertaking
June, 1986Increased capital to 40 million yen.
April, 1985Increased capital to 30 million yen.
Commercialization of hardware and control systems design and development
September, 1982Increased capital to 10 million yen.
April, 1980Relocated the headquarters to Kita-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku.
October 1, 1979Information System Engineering Inc. was founded in Higashi-Nakano in Nakano-ku.
(Capital 5 million yen, Representative Director, President Isao Kuroda)
ISE’s Partner Companies

ISE is endeavoring to resolve customers’ issues in collaboration with the technologies and experience that ISE possesses via the products which the following partners are providing for customers to resolve issues.

Adobe, Inc.

Primary productsAdobe FrameMaker
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XML Documentation
Primary products and services providedDocument production support software family
Partner typeAdobe Technical Communication Partner
Adobe Solution Partner BRONZE

Electrosuisse Japan Co., Ltd.

Primary productsErgonomic Manual Consulting Services
Primary products and services providedManual-related services for the medical and healthcare industries


Primary productsSYSTRAN Pure Neural Server
Primary products and services providedSYSTRAN integrated plug-ins for Adobe productsEnglish → Multilingual versions, scheduled to be provided
Partner typeSYSTRAN Business Partner
SYSTRAN Developer Partner
SYSTRAN Marketplace Trainer

JustSystems Corporation

Primary productsJust Right! Pro
Primary products and services providedJust Right! integrated plug-ins for Adobe productsJust Right! And ATOK utilization guides

Rozetta Corp.

Primary productsT-4OO
Primary products and services providedT-4OO integrated plug-ins for Adobe products, Japanese → English versions
Partner typeRozetta sales partner

ISE is working in collaboration with the following companies, and is providing issue resolution methodologies for customers.

Too Corporation

Primary productsJust Right! integrated plug-ins for Adobe products


Primary productsDOCUFY COSIMA
DOCUFY Machine Safety
DOCUFY TopicPilot
DOCUFY Layouter
DOCUFY Maintenance Manager
  • “Just Right!” is a registered trademark of the JustSystems Corporation.
  • Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Adobe KK in the United States and other countries.
  • The other listed product names and company names are in general the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Information System Engineering Inc.

Research and Development Space
Technical Design Space

1F, AD Takadanobaba Building, 35-2, Takadanobaba 3-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
169-0075[Show Google Map]

TEL. 03-3368-4687

Osaka Branch office

4-1-3 Bingo-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city, Osaka, 541-0051
4F., Midosuji Mitsui building

Technical Design Space-Osaka

222-26, ooaza-Okayama, Shijonawate-shi, Osaka, Japan

Technical Design Space-Kobe

1-5-2 Minatojima Minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Kobe KIMEC Center Build. 9F

Aizu joint research institute

5-16 Midoricho, Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture

Group Company

Information System Engineering (Beijing) Inc.

Room 16132, Floor 16, No.8 Xiaoyunli, Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100125, P.R.C.

Information System Engineering (Beijing) Inc. Shanghai Branch

Room F172, Bldg. 7, No.2118, Guanghua Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 201111, P.R.C.
Room 410, No. 1780, WuZhong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 201103, P.R.C.

Information System Engineering (Beijing) Inc. Qingdao Branch

Room C07, 27F, Times Square, HonKong(M) Rd, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong 266071, P.R.C.

ISE Europe GmbH

Burstwiesenstrasse 59, 8606 Greifensee ZH, Switzerland

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